Avaliação Institucional na Rede Pública Municipal de Cuiabá: Avanços e Desafios
Avaliação Institucional, Educação Básica, Gestão Democrática.Resumo
Diante da importância da avaliação institucional no Ensino Básico, esta pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo compreender as mudanças que ocorreram no processo de transição e implementação do Programa de Avaliação Institucional nas escolas públicas municipais de Cuiabá, em Mato Grosso, que participaram do Projeto Piloto no período de2013 a2016. Esse programa contempla a reelaboração do Projeto Político Pedagógico, aplicação do instrumento de avaliação para detectar os pontos positivos e pontos que precisam ser melhorados. Essa pesquisa está embasada, principalmente, em Lück (2012) e Fernandes (2002). A metodologia utilizada é a qualitativa com a análise documental embasadas em Gil (2008) e entrevista semiestruturada com os professores, em Bauer e Gaskel (2003), e análise do conteúdo em Bardin (2009). Como resultado deste estudo científico se observaram avanços e os desafios vivenciados nesse processo nas escolas pesquisadas. De acordo com os relatos, nos avanços houve uma melhor organização do trabalho administrativo e pedagógico com utilização de metas, o que refletiu na melhoria da aprendizagem dos alunos. Em contrapartida, alguns dos desafios observados foram: a mudança de comportamento nas relações humanas, a dificuldade em organizar os registros, pois ficou mais oneroso e burocrático. Dessa forma, a avaliação institucional precisa ser um processo institucional de transformação da escola em função da conquista de sua autonomia e deve ser entendida como um processo de autoconhecimento, em que a Unidade Escolar faz um esforço para se conhecer para analisar e destacar suas potencialidades de modo a melhorá-las, e reconhecer suas limitações e dificuldades como condição para superá-las.
Palavras-chave: Avaliação Institucional. Educação Básica. Gestão Democrática.
In view of the importance of the institutional evaluation in basic education, this research has as an object of study to understand the changes that occurred in the process of transition and implementation of the Institutional Evaluation Program in the municipal public schools of Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, which participated in the Pilot Project from 2013 to 2016. This program includes the re-elaboration of the Political Pedagogical Project, application of the evaluation tool to detect the positive points and points that need to be improved. This research is based mainly on Lück (2012) and Fernandes (2002). The used methodology was qualitative with documentary analysis based on Gil (2008) and semi-structured interviews with teachers, in Bauer and Gaskel (2003), and content analysis in Bardin (2009). As a result of this scientific study, it was observed the advances and challenges experienced in this process in the surveyed schools. According to the reports, in the advances there was a better organization of administrative and pedagogical work with the use of goals, which reflected in the improvement of student’s learning. In contrast, some of the challenges observed were: the behavior change in human relations, the difficulty organizing the records, since it became more burdensome and bureaucratic. Thus, institutional evaluation must be an institutional process of the school transformation in function of the achievement of its autonomy and should be understood as a self-knowledge process in which the School Unit makes an effort to get to know itself to analyze and highlight its potentialities to improve them, and recognize their limitations and difficulties as a condition for overcoming them.
Keywords: Institutional Evaluation. Basic Education. Democratic Management.
In view of the importance of the institutional evaluation in basic education, this research has as an object of study to understand the changes that occurred in the process of transition and implementation of the Institutional Evaluation Program in the municipal public schools of Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, which participated in the Pilot Project from 2013 to 2016. This program includes the re-elaboration of the Political Pedagogical Project, application of the evaluation tool to detect the positive points and points that need to be improved. This research is based mainly on Lück (2012) and Fernandes (2002). The used methodology was qualitative with documentary analysis based on Gil (2008) and semi-structured interviews with teachers, in Bauer and Gaskel (2003), and content analysis in Bardin (2009). As a result of this scientific study, it was observed the advances and challenges experienced in this process in the surveyed schools. According to the reports, in the advances there was a better organization of administrative and pedagogical work with the use of goals, which reflected in the improvement of student’s learning. In contrast, some of the challenges observed were: the behavior change in human relations, the difficulty organizing the records, since it became more burdensome and bureaucratic. Thus, institutional evaluation must be an institutional process of the school transformation in function of the achievement of its autonomy and should be understood as a self-knowledge process in which the School Unit makes an effort to get to know itself to analyze and highlight its potentialities to improve them, and recognize their limitations and difficulties as a condition for overcoming them. Keywords:Institutional Evaluation. Basic Education. Democratic Management.Referências
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